Sunday, July 15, 2012

7 months later

Seven months passes much too fast! It seems the older we get the quicker time goes. Last time I wrote I made a list of things that we hoped would happen this year. Let me fill you in on what has happened....

1. LJ DOES have a job lined up! After doing an internship with Deloitte from January-April of 2012 he was offered a position at Deloitte in Las Vegas, NV. He will be working on the Ceasar's Palace team. 

2. I didn't find a job teaching voice lessons. However, I did find a job! I am doing PSR (pyschosocial rehabilitation). I teach children skills to help them overcome a vast number of social and interpersonal issues. It is very rewarding and the pay isn't too bad either!

3. No trip to Disneyland or California Adventure yet. But, we did go to the San Diego Zoo and Sea World with my family after I finished student teaching and LJ finished his internship!

4. My iron count has gone up! I have been taking heavy doses of iron but have not had to have iron transfusions - thank heavens! It's still a work in progress though.

5. We found an AMAZING apartment closer to campus! We absolutely LOVE where we live. It has granite counter tops and tile floors. It's much larger than our previous apartment - it is fantastic!

6. While in Vegas we bought a new car! YAY! We sold LJ's old hatchback for $100. LJ was pretty happy to say goodbye to that hand-me-down.

7. PINTEREST!!!! Every single meal I have made since we came back to Idaho has been a recipe found on Pinterest. I have become banner-crazed, health/fitness crazed, craft name it! I try as many things as I can from pinterest. 

8. We are seeing The Dark Knight Rises on July 20th in IMAX in Utah! Every morning when I wake up, I roll over and LJ is on his phone reading the latest news about the film. He is so obsessed. Today he wore a black suit, with a black tie, black socks, black shoes, and black cufflinks (with a white shirt, of course) and did so to prepare for the movie premier. He says he will be wearing a Batman t-shirt everyday this week. He has been listening to the soundtrack every chance he gets, watching trailers and clips, and wearing the apparel - this is obviously going to be a life changing experience for him. He says "I am preparing physically, mentally, and emotionally for this movie..." I will have to post pictures in a few days!

9. We went to the temple on Friday, but still have not been as diligent as we should be.

10. We have been exercising regularly. We are currently very sore from our Saturday morning work out...ouch!

11. I am going to support LJ until he graduates. We have been so blessed and will be able to get LJ out of school debt-free!

12. We are striving to live the gospel! We have been working specifically on improving our personal study habits and have been blessed as we have been studying the Gospel.

  There are still a few more months in 2012 and I'm sure they will fly by. I hope to be more consistent in updating out blog. A lot of people have been asking my family about our plans for our future and I will keep everyone posted on this blog. 
Lots of love,
   The Nielsens

Saturday, December 31, 2011

Long time no post

Yet again, I haven't written in forever! But, I graduated from BYU-I with my Bachelors in Music Education a few weeks ago so now I will have less homework and more blog time (graduation pictures coming soon). Since it's New Years Eve I thought I could write about 11 fun things that have happened to LJ and I this year:

1. Hannah Graduates
2. TWO year anniversary
3. LJ is offered and accepts an internship with a Big Four accounting firm
4. Hannah competes in National Metropolitan Opera competition
5. LJ completes and passes hardest accounting course at BYUI (woohoo!)
6. Hannah is asked to teach private voice lessons for the BYUI Music department (only four students from the department are asked each semester!)
7. LJ bought a 55" LCD TV (his gift to himself for getting his internship)
8. Hannah Performed at senior vocal recital
9. We tried the 'Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead' juice fast....that was rough
10. Hannah's first Christmas away from home = wonderful (in-laws made it AWESOME)
11. LJ taught Sunday School while Hannah ran Activity Days in Rexburg

Now, 12 things we hope to do in 2012:

1. LJ hopes to have a job lined up upon graduation from BYUI in 2013
2. Hannah hopes to find a job teaching voice lessons in Idaho until LJ graduates
3. We hope to make a trip to Disneyland and California Adventures
4. Hannah hopes to get her iron count UP UP UP through extensive iron transfusions
5. We hope to find an apartment closer to campus
6. We HOPE to be able to buy a car to replace LJ's 93 Honda Civic hatchback (haha)
7. Hannah hopes to try some crafts, hairstyles, recipes, outfits etc. as seen on Pinterest
8. LJ WILL see The Dark Knight Rises in IMAX at MIDNIGHT on July 20
9. We plan on attending the Temple more regularly
10. We hope to exercise regularly
11. Hannah hopes to be able to support LJ until he graduates
12. We both hope to continue to have a happy and strong marriage founded on the principles of the gospel of Jesus Christ

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Life, Love and LOST

The "Love" Lifeboat

Dharma Initiative Snacks

Dharma Initiative T-Shirts

Life sure has been crazy since we have been home from Mongolia. We lived with LJ's family for a month while LJ worked at an accounting firm in Utah. I stayed home all day everyday because at the time we only had one car. That was a huge trial for me! I learned that I like to be busy. Relaxing is nice every once and a while but not all the time! I guess the grass is always greener on the other side - right? Christmas was a lot of fun! We went to Vegas (of course I thought it was fun! haha). LJ was too generous as always! I was just so excited to spend time with my family and to get out of the cold!
School started January 3rd so we moved in to the new Apt on New Years Eve! Lyle and Melissa came with us to move in (SO nice of them) and after a lot of sweat and almost tears we are moved in. Moving is the biggest pain in the bum especially when it's freezing outside! It was so darn cold - duh! It's Rexburg!
I thought I was going to have more free time this semester because I am only working one job - boy was I wrong! I am performing with the jazz choir on campus, Vocal Union, this semester and while it doesn't feel like work because it's so much fun - it takes up a lot of time! And, I am also performing in Opera Scenes this semester which takes up my evenings! My classes seem to get harder each semester (naturally - since they are now upper level courses)! LJ, who is now majoring in accounting is transitioning well, but I think he is worried about the work load to come! It is hard to find time to spend together alone and relaxed. We usually fall asleep watching LOST which brings me to my next point.....
When LJ and I first started dating I would go over to his apartment and he would be watching LOST (the TV series). Whenever I caught glimpses of the show it looked amazing! Well, he finished up the show this semester and told me that I needed to start it. So, I watched one episode and it was pretty darn good. The day after I watched the first episode I ended up staying home sick - I had the worst cold of my life! Well, don't judge me but I watched 19 episodes of Lost that day! I know, I know - sick and wrong! I have no problem admitting that I am addicted to Lost haha Luckily LJ understands my addiction - hello he started it! haha
A few weeks ago I was talking with my friend and she mentioned that a website called had a Lost themed date. So, I checked it out and ended up planning the date for LJ and I! It turned out SO SO SO cute! I am so grateful that there a people with adorable ideas who make it easy for people like me (who have zero cute ideas) to copy their ideas and look like a good wife haha LJ loved the date! He thought it was so cool! Thank you divas!
I am so lucky to be married to LJ! He is a great husband! For Valentine's Day he surprised me with dinner! It was the sweetest thing ever! How did I get so stinkin' blessed? I just love that handsome guy so much! It's amazing to know that even when life gets crazy and overwhelming I can turn to my best friend and feel at peace!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Home at last

After 36 hours of travel we made it back to America exhausted and hungry! The time zone change absolutley blows my mind! We left Mongolia on Monday afternoon at 3:40, traveled 36 hours, and arrived in LA at 9:30am Tuesday morning....I just can't rap my mind around it! We stayed with my aunt Tasha for one day - it was really great because we got to spend time with my grandparents. They have been traveling the country so we got to share our travel experiences with each other (although, they didn't experience anything as crazy as eating sheep head).

Yes, this is a boiled sheep head...which we ate!
We drove to Las Vegas on Wednesday and we will be staying here until next week sometime.
It is so nice to be home! We have been able to catch up on sleep, relax, and just enjoy the beautiful country we live in. Mongolia gave me a new appreciation for our freedoms and liberties.
I am so happy to be home with my family, home where I can speak the language, home where I can eat the food with out getting sick. Dorothy said it right "There is no place like home."

Thursday, October 28, 2010

I will survive!

Only 10 days left in Mongolia. It has been one crazy adventure! I haven't written anything because....LJ's computer broke a few weeks into the trip - that has certainly made this whole thing a lot harder than I was planning on. Thankfully, I have been able to use a computer in the church when it has been available. We have had so many fun experiences! We went to the countryside (almost 100% uninhabited!!), we went to the place where Mongolia was dedicated for missionary work, we bought about a million cheap movies (haha), I ate SHEEP HEAD, but mainly I have learned how very blessed we are in America! I am so grateful for all we have and all we can work to have! I love America. I have also learned how much hope the Gospel brings into our lives. The people in Mongolia have nothing and nothing to look forward to. But, the Gospel gives the people here the hope of a brighter future, the hope of a living Savior. It blesses these people so much. I never realized how much I take for granted all I have until I came to Mongolia. Now, while I have learned so much and come to love the people so greatly...I am ready to go home! I miss my family, friends....FOOD!! I dream about America every night - no kidding! It started about a week ago...I had a dream about milk - I don't even like milk very much! But, when I dreamed that I was drinking a tall glass of 2% - oh baby! I got very homesick! I just want some milk!!!!! When I wake up every morning having dreamed about America I just keep reminding myself that I only have a few more days here. I am SO grateful for the experience I have had here but I am also so grateful that I am going home soon!

Friday, September 10, 2010

Recent Obsessions

Something that I have found to occupy some of my free time here has been The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins. These books have become extremely popular at BYU-I (especially among English majors) and my mom convinced me to read them. Anything she suggests I read because she always steers me in a good direction. Mom sent me with books one and two to read over here. It took me two days to read them both (haha). Needless to say I was hooked after the first few chapters! These books are AMAZING! I love them - the story is so gripping and the main character is so lovable (which I find to be a big contrast with the Twilight series haha).
After I finished the first 2 books, I was DYING to get my hands on the newly released 3rd book! I tried calling every book store in the UB area, then I buckled and ordered the ebook. After complications with payment methods outside of the U.S., help from my aunt, and buying a power cord for LJ's computer I was finally able to get ahold of book 3...Mockingjay!!!
I really want to start a discussion board or something to see what other people thought of the book. I was a little disappointed! Things happened so fast - too fast for me! Characters killed with little explanation or emotion from the main character, love triangles coming to a swift close when one character was about to SLAUGHTER the other - not a lot of explanation or talk of healing there, main characters leaving the picture for good......the book ended exactly how I hoped it would but I didn't get to experience all the happiness and love that I was waiting for over the past two books!! Anyways, I am obsessed right now and dying for someone to discuss it with me! I loved the book but I have to admit it was my least favorite of the 3! I want to hear YOUR thoughts! Please comment :)

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Mongolia...a new chapter

A few months ago LJ decided to apply for an internship in Mongolia and I, being quiet innocent, encouraged him! He found an internship with an international bank in the capital of Mongolia - Ulaanbaatar. All the arrangements seemed to fall into place. The church asked me if I could help out in the mission home (which I was extatic about) and we were able to find rather inexpensive flights. We had a hard time getting LJ's visa - in fact it didn't arrive until 6 hours before our flight left but we made it here!
We landed in Ulaanbaatar on September 1st. It was a pretty big culture shock. The way these people drive is insane! No lanes, no blinkers, no speed limits, no lights - NO NOTHING!!! I think I almost died 23 times after leaving the airport. It's amazing that they don't hit eachother! We wanted to shower and turned the water on - no hot water! I had to heat water on the stove to wash my hair. We went grocery shopping and didn't get any groceries...apparently LJ never bought food when he was here - that would explain why he was so skinny! I am loving the mission home! I have only been here for a few hours and I haven't done much of anything but the people are so wonderful and the Spirit is very strong.
LJ is going to enjoy his job. He will be working on a project for the bank and will be working very closely with a member of the church named A.K. I can tell that he likes being back. His mission was such an important time of his life. He learned so much and became the man he is today in this city. We have already seen a lot of people he knows and all the missionaries know him as a "legend." Everyone always says "You're NIELSEN?!?!?!?!" My husband is famous!
I am trying to learn some Mongolian words and phrases. It's a lot easier than learning in American because I'm submursed in the language here. I like it! I have already learned a lot and I'm sure being around the elders will help me learn more. The mission president, President Mecham, made the goal to learn the language - that is a lofty goal!
I'm sure I will have great stories to come. As for now I am still in shock! I have eaten new foods, almost died 50 times, and showered with freezing cold water but things will get more exciting!


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